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As a former State employee for the Health Department, Joe Melendez has seen the struggles caused by an inefficient system, both internally and externally. His work in the Legislature as a District Aide for a State Representative brought him face to face with the struggles families must go through when attempting to get resources for their children with special needs. 


  • Get families with children who have special needs off 15–20-year medical waitlists.

  •  Ensure families with children with special needs are given medical relief despite age.

  • Ensuring families with children at the school level are provided healthcare despite their background or income.  Joe Melendez will also look to ensure that dental care is made more affordable for Floridian Residents. 




Economic and Community Development


Economic Development:

  • Eliminate old and outdated regulations that are holding back Florida businesses.

  • Work with business leaders to bring more opportunities to the district, ensuring economic wealth for the community. 

  • Ensure that there are less taxes on businesses in the State of Florida.


Community Development:

  • Look for ways to strengthen the Live Local Act recently passed by the Florida Legislature.

  • Create more incentives for businesses to provide more affordable housing for members of the community.

  •  Fight to ensure that the Children of Veterans are included in veteran state-based assistance programs. As a District Aide, I learned firsthand that the children of Veterans are not always included in programs that can assist them with issues they are faced with. 

  • Fight for grandparents seeking to take care of their grandchildren due to biological parents being unable to provide guardianship. We must ensure that kids are taken care of, and willing grandparents given the same rights as biological parents in these situations.




Law and order

Joe Melendez is the candidate that stands for law and order.  Joe Melendez will strengthen laws that will help fight human trafficking in the State of Florida.


  • Provide more funding to the Police for training and community programs. 

  • Create a clearer pathway for mental health services to victims of violent crime, as well as to our first responders.

  • Ensure that there are harsher punishments for drug dealers.

  • Fight for the safety and well-being of children. That is why Joe Melendez will work with law enforcement to develop programs to better protect our schools and children.




As your next State Representative Joe Melendez will be your voice in Tallahassee for School Choice.  Joe

Melendez will fight to ensure that exceptional students seeking to take an exam in a higher grade level than the one they are in are allowed to do so without any barriers.


  • Expand opportunities to students seeking to go to technical schools.

  • Create Apprenticeship Programs between businesses and schools.

  • Ensure all students have an opportunity to advance past the school system regardless of their background.

  • Reform the public school system, to provide better working and learning conditions for our teachers and students.

  • Bring improved sports, theater, art, and music experiences to our schools with public and private alliances.



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